On certain unfortunate occasions, these over-corrective aligners could lead to unanticipated negative outcomes. Your teeth could potentially look worse than before the treatment. However, fear not, as there are multiple strategies to counter this predicament.
The primary action should be to acknowledge the problem. Identifying a deterioration in your dental condition is the crucial first step on the path to getting it rectified.
If you suspect that your aligners might be exacerbating the condition of your teeth, we recommend you immediately contact your dental healthcare professional. Communication is key here, help them understand your situation, and set up an appointment to determine the root of the discrepancy.
The dental expert will then collaborate with you to create a tailored solution. This will likely involve readjusting your aligner to alter the pressure exerted on your teeth.
The solution will focus on halting the further deterioration of your teeth, so it becomes paramount that you act judiciously at the earliest hint of unexpected tooth movement. Being proactive can ensure you stay on track with your orthodontic treatment goals.
Finding a capable orthodontist in Berkeley, Oakland, Richmond, or El Cerrito can be challenging but trust in I Song Orthodontics to be your partner on the path toward a perfect smile. With over two decades of providing superior orthodontic services to our patients, every aspect of our process from the consultation to the application of cutting-edge technology is designed to put your comfort and satisfaction first. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you achieve your perfect smile.